How I see my OPTION II in this Culture still under OPTION I:

The history of the OPTION I world is one of terrible failures as you know as well as I, based on your own experiences. Under OPTION I, above all so-called shrinks, intellectuals, psychologists and psychiatrists, are shrinking people's being to the ego and fulfilling it to narcissism as a fig leaf for not understanding the X=essence of real human systems, or the unwillingness to accept it as such like the laws of nature, for wanting power over it instead. This is THE thinking catastrophe at the core of almost all human catastrophes such as on the Titanic 1912 up to Fukushima 2011, and all wars and may be called rightfully, evil:

My Life Story on the other hand says that even the ultimate challenge [Facebook link] can be handled with OPTION II - the snake had its time pretending it is not like this! God, the Creator created man and women. OPTION I is the original sin of trying to mob God and then his prophets, his Son; his created substance, one's own, the general and content-free laws of nature and the personally relevant relationship truth about one's life. Thus people have their lifefulfillment destroyed with their sinning, making it it all mass-attractive, at first seemingly better. When God had enough, he impregnated a women with himself as her child, so that he could be born as his Son as he basically created each and everyone of us. Later, God made his Son provoke sinners to kill him to uphold their OPTION I, ultimate idolatry! That can show those with ears to hear and eyes to see, what it is all about, so they may be saved  from the sin of OPTION I, the option God has given as the challenge of our God created substance to overcome, with good will...

Contrary to the snake's OPTION I of m-mobbing, there is a personally-relevant OPTION II: God created you with your OPTION II with the OPTION I possibility to default to the Zeitgeist by detaching from how God created you. Similarly you can detach from what I really mean and what I really am. This is for you to experience the free will to learn from the unavoidable consequences. People are free to chose the sin of giving in to OPTION I. Most of the some 100'000 million people, who ever lived, have so far destroyed each other and themselves with the so-called wisdom of OPTION I! You see there is no freedom from the consequences! For that reason people prefer the "Father of Lies", the so-called devil; OPTION I. But still, under it, people make each other believe the illusion there IS Freedom, rather than supporting each other to understand who each of us is, a life- fulfilling p-oegp-principle to be understood and lived by to consciously fulfill it. However, God keeps creating more of us so that OPTION II never dies out. Through his son he even demonstrated that you can overcome OPTION I with YOUR OPTION II which God has given you in the first place. It's upon you, especially since the basics and the means to become FIT421 are now available, to make up your mind to cope with the dark outer and inner "evil voices" of OPTION I, and with the stress they cause! Their is certainty beyond the uncertainty of the history of trendy hypes and their failures under OPTION I:

To install and maintain OPTION I over the ages as it began among others in the Temples of Ancient Egypt, the individually different X-beings with their innate principle of lifefulfillment of real people, had to be overwritten with man made, generalizing god, by a religion about him ritualized by a church so that its hierarchy of priests could act as the representative of that god on Earth with a drive for globalization for ultimate power of OPTION I evil on Earth. And since in reality people have a a-conscience to handle such attempts against their X-essence, that had to be replaced by a savior/leader from their inner worries in form of a prophet, a judge, an anointed kind, a "son of god", up to leaders, generals, managers, gurus, spiritual masters with their "Secrets" and esoteric "Resonance Principles", or simply by mutations in a godless evolution based world, and cultivating wishfully simplifying thinking and so on. People could thus be told subtly what they have to do for the common good, in fact for their ruling class. An since further, each human being has a §3-state of inner identity, that had to be collapsed to a prejudice based on the person's merit to contribute and maintain OPTION I.

Based on my X-being and the nature of OPTION I, its prejudice aims at keeping not just me down, in my X=9Pp-case predictably, as "inferior", like the Nazis treated the Jews. Indeed, what I indicate here is of inferior service to uphold OPTION I (god) and its self-destruction (crucifixion of God' Son) for its next trend (#021-021 resurrection). Needless to say, this evil trinity of OPTION I being declared as *holy", is in fact aimed at reducing real human beings to "humans" by dividing them from their X-being, to be ruled. And that thinking-catastrophe is the source of all stress and evil! Its symptoms seem to justify perfecting the OPTION I approach of sacrificing the lifefulfillment of real people in the name of peace, which, however, in the end in its reality, is only found in death. And towards that moment, people are left in fear of the judgment which prevents them from breaking out at will from this MATRIX. In this way people, formal believers or atheists alike, are made to consider their life as a game, so that in the end, when they will loose it on Earth, OPTION I can be maintained as exclusive, inhibiting OPTION II, e.g. the devil as the ruler of the world. Historically after the decay of the Catholic Church, the invisible hand of the market based on the evolution myth has taken the place of the prevailing man made god as the ruler over the Zeitgeist with permanently less and less fulfilled New World Orders, e.g. with a decreasing half-life time...

By understanding your OPTION II, you can call the OPTION I bluff as a thinking catastrophe and then fulfill your task of redesigning your think-system in your life, to give OPTION II a chance, so that you have not been created in vain by the Creator. Become FIT421 for such a meaningful life!..