Dr. Peter Meier                            paving the path for FIT421

Chose YOUR OPTION II as long as YOU CAN

In your body, the cells live; just as in society, where you and other individuals carry life. And so if your body gets polluted, the life in your cells degenerate, some into cancer cells and so an. Similarly if society falls under the OPTION I rat race, in which mass-attractivity is the measure of all things, human sacrifices are required, This makes people sick, addicts, criminals, terrorists, misleaders and migrants who try to get out of oppression risking their lives, most of them carrying their OPTION I as a trauma with them like a contagious disease to spread this post-modern mental plague! Such is today's world; the symptoms and the signs of fragmentation are on all walls degrading people's fitness for a fulfilling life. So let us consider FIT421, for this decisive 21st century to become part of the solution:

This is a FREE way to check your Options, and to get Feedback with an Offer:


 To show your interest please show that you are a real person:

Given Name:

Family Name:

Birthdate (DD.MM.YYYY):


 Skype for our online cooperation with
  timely exchange of project-oriented competence  

 How did you come to this site - who suggested it / link from:

KNOW that 98% of all people become losers under OPTION I, but many of them are still real enough and still want to win and get some fulfillment. Is it their fault when they fail? Is it yours? Partly! We are all basically offered OPTION I from outside in, and OPTION II from inside out, and seem free to chose, or to default to OPTION I. But we are not free from the consequences of our choice, which in case of OPTION I are denigrating, with OPTION II lifefulfilling - please mark

 if you can basically relate to the above statement in a committing way
if not, but if you can relate to it at least in some areas like smoking,
    drinking, drugs - otherwise leave your mark at
feeling unduly challenged by such questions.

PRODUCTS: Imagine there is superfood from the number#1 company on health prevention, offering you the health-triangle whose effect you can immediately be experienced and health benefits usually within a week - would you watch an introductory video and give feedback via phone (0041 432 89 59) or Skype (ahaaps)?

If yes, please suggest a time and what you are interested in terms of your health:

Success-Network: Imagine a business opportunity by which you can really get FIT421 (4 this decisive 21st century) to become part of the solution based on the best of and about you: 1) your self-healing potential that can be activated for you to not just to cope with the unavoidable stress caused by the still prevailing OPTION I world outside and inside you, but beyond it, 2) for your Life- through Task-Fulfillment implementing YOUR innate OPTION II.

What are you prepared to invest of what you already have available:


1:1 COACHING: Imagine a personally relevant decision support system made for you by which you can understand the specific consequences of your available OPTION I and OPTION II engagements in this world. To what degree are you

prepared to get coaching to understand and implement the insight now available:



Please state where you stand between profession and vocation, Option I / II:

  your requirements to get the relevant links and information from


Dr. Peter Meier ,
Tel ++41 1/432 89 59
Bachmattstr. 23, CH-8048 Zürich (Switzerland)
I am dedicated to provide you with what you need for your EL4-5 for body and spirit to the degree you open up your soul/experience